ジョカ(JOCA)、アルトゥール・ヴェロカイ(Arthur Verocai)やルエジ・ルナ(Luedji Luna)のゲスト参加も特筆すべきだ。優しく繊細なシンセポップ(1)「Devagar」ではTuyoのリオ(Lio)とライ(Lay)のヴォーカルに続き、JOCAによるラップが楽曲を彩る。つづく(2)「Apazigua」は歌い出しのメロディーから新鮮な美しさに驚かされるが、ここでは巨匠アルトゥール・ヴェロカイによる弦のアレンジがさらに小技を効かせ、本作のベストトラックのひとつとなっている。
彼らの最初のスタジオアルバムである『Pra Curar』は音楽評論家らによって2018年のベスト・ミュージック・アルバムのひとつとして評価され、コロナ禍で制作された2nd『Chegamos Sozinhos em Casa』はラテングラミー賞「ベスト・ポップ・アルバム」にノミネートされるなど高く評価された。
Tuyo :
Lilian Soares (Lio)
Layane Soares (Lay)
Jean Machado
The newest release from Tuyo, a superb synth-pop band with a great sense
Tuyo, a futuristic folk-pop band formed in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, in 2016, has released its third album, “Paisagem“.
The album is also notable for guest appearances by JOCA, Arthur Verocai, and Luedji Luna. The gentle, delicate synth-pop of (1)”Devagar” features vocals by Tuyo’s Lio and Lay, followed by a rap by JOCA. The following track (2)”Apazigua” is a fresh and beautiful surprise right from the start of the melody, and the string arrangement by master Arthur Velokai adds an extra touch to make it one of the best tracks on the album.
All of the songs, including the dreamy (4)”Maravilha” and (5)”Paisagem” featuring Luedji Luna, have a gentle and soothing finish, despite the use of synths and beat-based music as the core of their sound. They are well suited for a relaxing and laid-back atmosphere.
Tuyo was formed in 2016 in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, by Lio, Lay, and Machado, from the band Simonami, which had been active since 2009. The band’s name is a combination of the Spanish words “you” (tu) and “I” (yo).
Their first studio album “Pra Curar“, was rated by music critics as one of the best music albums of 2018. And their second “Chegamos Sozinhos em Casa“, produced in the Corona Disaster, was highly acclaimed and nominated for a Latin Grammy for “Best Pop Album”.
Tuyo :
Lilian Soares (Lio)
Layane Soares (Lay)
Jean Machado